Wish I didn't agree with this.

It is bleak.

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>The American public has been convinced that the American economy—which The Economist (not exactly a left wing rag) has called “the envy of the world”—is the worst economy on earth. Over half of people believe we are in a recession, even though we are not.

Well that's probably because GDP and asset prices don't have anything to do with the majority of people's lives, the inflation numbers are meaningless because they don't include the necessities of life and job quality is declining and precarious, whatever the official unemployment numbers may be (also labor force participation rate is still below pre-covid levels and well below its turn of the millennium all-time highs).

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>the inflation numbers are meaningless because they don't include the necessities of life

Jesus fucking Christ, I wrote a whole post about this (four posts actually). Do people even read what the fuck I write? Do they just show up to leave brain-dead comments. Am I shouting at a fucking wall???


>job quality is declining and precarious

The best solution to that is unions. Which party supports unions (even though they spit in their face)? The Biden administration has been the most pro-union since the Neoliberal turn. What the fuck do you think Trump is going to do about that?

>labor force participation rate is still below pre-covid levels and well below its turn of the millennium all-time highs

You said it yourself--it's been declining for nearly 25 years, including under Republican presidents. Why is that now Biden's problem all of a sudden? And the American population is aging. You would expect workforce participation to drop in that case. Have you dug into the numbers to disentangle the effects of an aging population from people who aren't able to find a job? I suspect not. Jobs are going begging. I see hep wanted signs all over the place. Why are people not taking these jobs?

Oh, and not to mention that virtually every economist in the world thought unemployment would have to go up to 10-15 percent to get inflation back down again. You know who didn't listen to that? Biden. You know who did? Every previous Democratic administration and every fucking Republican.

Funny how all of these issues only suddenly problems when a Democrat runs for office. I guarantee if these exact same statistics happened under a Republican president it would be touted everywhere as an economic miracle.

Do you think I'm not aware of these issues? Do you think comments like this add anything to the conversation, I mean, at all? Because it doesn't.

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